Decoration Removal Schedule

**All Decorations Must Be Removed From Graves by 8:00 a.m. On The Dates Listed**
As of January 1, 2022, all decorations hanging on the mausoleum and columbarium or setting upon upright monuments and/or their bases and not on the lawn may be left in place by the cemetery staff.
Cemetery Staff retains the right to remove any/all decorations at their discretion.
- Wrought iron basket hangers are not permitted except for the time period of December 15th through January 15th and one week prior to Memorial Day until the first Monday following Memorial Day.
- Notices for our decoration removal schedule will be posted on signs at cemetery entrances the week preceding decoration removals. All decorations not collected by date and time listed will be disposed of with no exceptions.
- For more information about the G.A.R. Cemetery decoration removal schedule, please call the cemetery at 918-541-2288.
Rules & Regulations

Rules, Regulations, and Memorial Specifications adopted by the Board of Parks and Recreation of the City of Miami, Oklahoma, passed adopted by the Mayor and Board of City Commissioners, March 2, 1959. Revised October 26, 2004, approved by the Board of Parks and Recreation. Revised December 11, 2012, approved by the Board of Parks and Recreation. Revised December 2, 2014, approved by the Board of Parks and Recreation and Mayor and City Council. Revised January 16, 2018, approved by Mayor and City Council.